Saturday, July 24, 2010

Oh Wordsworth! Wordsworth!

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Oh Wordsworth! Wordsworth!
In vain you have scattered thy heavy words
Unanchored by human character, sighing, suffering or thought
They to be scudded by the winds towards
Nothing, but a pile of chaffs and morsels in midfield of naught

But once you did captivate the heart of a lad and lass
When you wrote about the splendor in the grass
Tented with the canopy of the glory of the flower
Since then your prose froze, sank never again to tower

Yet to the above well deserved praise
one small correction I am obliged to raise
This is done without any malice or bad intention
but the fact of truth should not be snaffled its mention

That these soft lines of human treasure
were buried in 'ode' beyond any measure
under the weight of ten stanzas that ware wilt any reader pleasure
Oh Wordsworth if you had just written half less
your message and verse would have so much more grace

Failing to recite your long lines of 'nature' at school
The teacher called me loud and clear ‘You damned fool’
Stone cold at heart she could never feel or tell
How arid, dull to death and ludicrous was ‘Peter bell’

Oh Wordsworth! Wordsworth!
In vain you have summoned the earth, sun and creeks
That rush in the maze of forest gloom
Your verse is doused with heavy dunce to be a doom
And never your pen treads with your colleagues peaks

The wording of your prose in human aspect is low
It teaches me the nothingness of things
Word after word line by line about nothing
You gathered winds and storms but never let them see a show
The anticipated climax that never culminated into its conclusion
The converging clouds dissipated leaving the reader struck with illusion

But some dignitary scholars of the world idol you
As the distinguished poet of nature
They teach your philosophy in every college lecture
“He who has mourned and wept to know
The sweet memories of childhood, friendship and love first glow
Once they leave us, we forever live in vexing pain of their shadow”

Isaac Ziv

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